AWS Feb 13, 2011 Right click taskbar and select task manager. Select processes tab at top and look for firefox.exe. Next to it will tell you memory used.
Right click taskbar and select task manager. Select processes tab at top and look for firefox.exe. Next to it will tell you memory used.
AWS Feb 12, 2011 Not feeling too chipper. Stomach ache, shakes, scratchy throat, hot and cold flashes. Even my hair hurts. Time for bed.
Not feeling too chipper. Stomach ache, shakes, scratchy throat, hot and cold flashes. Even my hair hurts. Time for bed.
AWS Feb 9, 2011 Got an 11:30 meeting. Got to start the car and get dressed and ready to go. See you all later.
AWS Feb 7, 2011 Look for a cease and desist order to be filed soon by IB. It's the next logical step.
AWS Feb 6, 2011 I dislike both teams in the super bowl. Here's hoping the one I hate less kicks the **** out of the Packers.
I dislike both teams in the super bowl. Here's hoping the one I hate less kicks the **** out of the Packers.
AWS Feb 5, 2011 I have the forum template finished, have the skin bought and have some content ready. I just can't seem to pull the trigger and go live.
I have the forum template finished, have the skin bought and have some content ready. I just can't seem to pull the trigger and go live.
AWS Feb 2, 2011 Official snow total: 20 inches. in my best Capt. Dan impression "You call that a storm!"
AWS Feb 2, 2011 And they say the worst is yet to come. This reminds of the blizzard of 67 when we got 4 inches of snow per hour for total of 28 inches.
And they say the worst is yet to come. This reminds of the blizzard of 67 when we got 4 inches of snow per hour for total of 28 inches.
AWS Feb 1, 2011 Talk to you all tomorrow. I know the internet will be going down soon like it always seems to do during heavy snow.
Talk to you all tomorrow. I know the internet will be going down soon like it always seems to do during heavy snow.
AWS Feb 1, 2011 It's starting to get nasty outside. Snow is falling and wind is blowing. Looks like this thing is gearing up.
It's starting to get nasty outside. Snow is falling and wind is blowing. Looks like this thing is gearing up.
AWS Jan 31, 2011 Return of the sock puppets part 2 brought to you by the biggest loser ever to run a forum board.
AWS Jan 31, 2011 Off to bed. I got the database for the new site upgraded and did some housecleaning. Announcement tomorrow. Night all!
Off to bed. I got the database for the new site upgraded and did some housecleaning. Announcement tomorrow. Night all!
AWS Jan 29, 2011 Uninstalled Firefox, removed all the junk it left behind and re-installed. Last chance for it. If it still eats memory it's good bye forever
Uninstalled Firefox, removed all the junk it left behind and re-installed. Last chance for it. If it still eats memory it's good bye forever