
  1. AWS

    Howto: Install PHP on Your Server

    Whether you run Linux/Unix, macOS or Windows as a server here are steps to install and configure PHP. For Windows: Download PHP: Go to the PHP downloads page. Download the latest version of PHP (choose the thread-safe version if you plan to use it with a web server like Apache). Extract...
  2. AWS

    nginx (Linux Version) 1.27.1

    Basic HTTP server features Serving static and index files, autoindexing; open file descriptor cache; Accelerated reverse proxying with caching; load balancing and fault tolerance; Accelerated support with caching of FastCGI, uwsgi, SCGI, and memcached servers; load balancing and fault...
  3. HammerTime

    MariaDB 11.5.2

    MariaDB Server is one of the world’s most popular open source relational databases and is available in the standard repositories of all major Linux distributions. Look for the package mariadb-server using the package manager of your operating system. Alternatively you can use the following...
  4. AWS

    Centos Stream 9

    The CentOS Project is delighted to announce the availability of CentOS Stream 9, the latest major release of the CentOS Stream distribution. CentOS Stream is a continuous-delivery distribution providing each point-release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Before a package is formally...
  5. AWS

    Ubuntu 14.04.2

    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (Trusty Tahr) Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS - The Long Term Support version of Ubuntu Server. Ubuntu Server brings economic and technical scalability to your data centre, public or private cloud. Whether you want to deploy an OpenStack cloud, a Kubernetes cluster or a...
  6. AWS

    PHP 8.3.10

    The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.3.10. This is a bug fix release. All PHP 8.3 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version. The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.
  7. AWS

    Welcome Back

    I'd like to welcome everyone to the grand re-opening of The Server Forum now known as The Server Zone. I had a server crash and The Server Forum was one of the sites that were taken offline. Once I was able to find the time to get the new motherboard in the server I was able to bring the sites...
  8. A

    No Updates In Graph On Cacti

    I have configured Cacti on my linux server to monitor all of my other linux and windows servers network traffic. But on Cacti monitoring graph is working fine for linux servers and graph always empty & nothing get updated for windows servers. I have installed snmp-informant in windows to...