
  1. GilesHalestooke

    Port Open In Firewall But Still Blocked

    Hi All, I'm building my first IIS platform. I have successfully opened ports for my first installs. I now want to open port 995 for a small app to POP gmail (on port 995). I have opened it in the firewall as per previous attempts. However connection is failing. Can I ask what I'm doing wrong...
  2. M

    DNS problem with two 2008R2 DC's and 1 2003

    We currently have 2x 2008R2 DC's one is in VMware and the other is physical and a 3rd 2003R2 remote DC. We had a power outage a couple of days ago and lost connectivity to the remote DC and the VMWare DC was down as well. The physical DC was up but DNS and AD-DS was not working on our network...